DigitalMakers Blog - Digital Transformation, Digital Marketing and Web Development

Buyer person or ideal client profile?

Written by Jordi Prat | Jul 30, 2019 10:22:41 AM

If you are reading this article, it is probably because you consider that the Inbound Marketing is the path that your company must follow to increase the number of leads and conversions.

In this article we want to expose a couple of terms that in many cases are mistakenly considered to be the same, we talk about “Buyer Persona” and the “Ideal Client Profile”.

In DigitalMakers we like to start things at the beginning and ask you the questions that many do not ask you because of the inertia of the rush and pressure of the quick sale: Do I have to define the buyer person and the ideal client profile before creating a Marketing strategy? The answer is Yes.

Communication in its own definition demands an issuer (in this case your company) and a receiver (your ideal client). Imagine this scene where you have a message to deliver but you don't know who, wouldn't you find it strange? Well that's what happens if you have a strategy but you have not defined any of the two concepts that we present today.



Buyer persona

The buyer person is a fictional representation of our ideal customer, the natural person. With this concept many times we find that companies do not know if they have to define the customer that is buying them or who they want to sell (it may seem the same but believes selected, it is not).

The objective is to find out what kind of messages and how we can impact your concerns in order to get your attention and finally achieve conversion.



Ideal Client Profile

In business-focused businesses (B2B) so important is to define the buyer person as the company we want to address

To define it we can use the real sales data to define the sector, the annual turnover, the number of employees or the geographical location and in more specific matters of our product or service, what pain points you have.

The objective pursued in this case is to know who we are addressing as a company instead of preparing a message or even a commercial material.



As a company, what do I want to define?

We answer it quickly and without complications. If your business focused on the consumer, the buyer person, if it is a B2B business, both.

In DigitalMakers we love working with our clients, so that we turn the session to define the cornerstone of their strategy in an enjoyable, participatory activity that involves workers and that always results in very valuable information to prepare a winning strategy.