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What is the buyer journey?

Written by Oriol Escofet | Jan 10, 2020 7:56:17 AM

From DigitalMakers we have mentioned several times the importance of two concepts within Inbound Marketing, the buyer persona and the buyer's journey.

In this article we will develop this second concept further and explain why it is important that you take it into account in your Marketing strategy.

What is the buyer's journey?

We can define buyer's journey as

the active research process that goes through a potential customer before buying

This process is also known as the purchase cycle and can be divided into three stages, from the detection of a problem or need, to the final purchase.



First stage: Discovery.

At this stage the buyer person perceives that they have a need and begins research to understand more about it. It is a stage of searching for information about your need and what solutions are available to solve it.  

It should be emphasized that at this point the client is not ready to buy, their efforts are geared to learning, so it is a time when you can start building trust in your company by showing your knowledge with blog articles or e -books. Your buyer persona is likely to do the first search for information on Google or social media, so having a good SEO position, presence on networks, or having a good web design will help your client. find you and begin to consider you.


Second stage: Consideration.

At this stage, the buyer has already learned what he needs and begins to narrow down what options exist to solve it, so he begins to consider and compare between possible solutions. It is a deeper and more specific information search process. 

Not yet a stage of buying, but if you start approaching. This is the time to offer videos, podcasts, success stories, testimonials ... all of them aimed at providing deeper information that positions your company as an expert in the industry, which is very important for build trust in the person buyer.


Third stage: Decision.

In this last stage the buyer person already has a deep knowledge of his need, knows the alternatives offered by the market to solve them and he is ready to buy. It is a stage in which you seek to reduce the finalist options you have until you reach a final one , which will be the choice.

 At this point offering a discount, a free consultancy, a product demo, a personalized presentation, etc., can be key factors for you to end up choosing your product.


In summary, we can say that it is important that you take advantage of the buying cycle to offer a good experience to the buyer person and to offer solutions to every question that you have, this will make you trust your company and finally you will finish. choosing to make the final purchase.

Why is it important in your marketing strategy?

The stage your buyer person is in has a direct impact on how you should communicate with him. Talking to someone who is identifying a problem is not the same as talking to a person who is deepening with the solution, at each stage your buyer person looks for different answers and it is important that you are able to give them all. 

Another interesting option that lets you know the stage of the journey where your buyer is is that you can use it to segment your leads and send them relevant content according to the point of the process where they are. , especially when talking about email marketing campaigns. For example, sending a discount information to someone who is in the decision-making phase may be key to ending up buying. However, sending this same information to a user who is in the process of being discovered is almost null.


In short, the buyer's journey will help you to communicate and segment, two key functions within your day-to-day marketing.

From DigitalMakers we encourage you to create the buying cycle of your individual buyer, we are sure it will help you to improve the success of your campaigns.