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The importance of keywords in digital marketing

Written by Miriam Huerta | Feb 7, 2020 9:53:22 AM

Today, positioning in web search engines is essential for any company, so that your customers can easily find you. A basic SEO technique to help you achieve this is the use of keywords. In this article we want you to know the importance they have and how you can benefit from them in your digital online marketing strategy. 


What is a keyword?

Keywords are those terms, simple or compound, that users use to perform a search.They are the way in which the user writes their doubts in the search engines, hoping to answer and solve them.

For a marketing professional, keywords or keywords are the terms used to route the contents of pages, blogs and websites. In a way, you are informing search engines what your content is about through these words.


Type of keywords

We can differentiate between three large families of keywords, depending on the length of the keywords and in what part of the stage of the buyer’s journey is the customer.

1. Head keywords

They are usually searches with a single word and, being so generic, have a large volume of traffic and competition. The intention of the user is not yet defined and therefore they are not profitable words or tend to conversion.

2. Body Keywords

They are searches of two or three words and denote a potential client, generating a certain volume of searches but still having a lot of competitiveness.

3. Long tail Keywords

These are already complex searches of 4 or more words and denote the purchase intention. Although they do not generate large traffic individually, if they are complemented with other keywords of their type, they can increase their effectiveness and it is a search that is increasingly performed by users.


Why are they important? 

For a business, keywords can make the difference between being found, read, shared and liked or be one more in the vast ocean that is the internet. Analyze how our potential customers manage to find us will be a very powerful tool for your company, both to create quality content, and to be positioned among the top positions of search engines, and in turn this increases the positioning of your website.


How to choose a keyword?

Using the right keywords is an art that can be perfected and goes beyond searching keywords with good performance. 

You must consider these 3 key points:


1. Study (Market you are targeting, objectives) 

Every keyword must be based on the tastes of the customer we are addressing and try to select some more specific words (for your buyer persona) and other more general ones to reach more public (for other potential clients). 

Keep in mind the keywords with which your company is already positioned and add some more that comes from new searches for potential keywords. 

Google recommends that between 5 and 20 keywords be used, in the case of ads, without repeating and taking into account that the keywords will automatically coincide with plural variations and spelling errors, making it unnecessary to add them to the list.


2. Compare: research your competition 

Analyzing your competition can also help you see which keywords in your keyword search are most efficient. Search both in your direct competition and in the big brands, also selecting and discarding the words that do not generate leads. 

They are already positioned at the top of the ranking, therefore take advantage of their experience and seek to fill the gaps they leave, improving, optimizing and promoting your content.


3. Interpret and review

When you already have a list of the keywords that best suit your company and the content that will be generated, now is the time to interpret the results. Once you have used the right keywords it will also be interesting to see if they are really giving the expected results.

It should also be taken into account that, with the constant change on the web, it is interesting to review the results generated by our keywords. In the event that they do not generate the desired results, dismiss them and generate some new ones that give better results.


We hope we have cleared some doubts you might have about why keywords are important and how to get all the juice they can give us.

And as a last point, for any question, as head of marketing, we continue with our challenge #askdigitalmakers,where we will solve your doubts with a new article in our blog. Dare to challenge us!