Every year all kinds of companies plan to hold several annual events to publicize their products and services to the market. Sometimes, for start-ups more normally, in these events they find that they don't know what they need or how they should organize an event of this caliber.
This article will give you some basic tips to make it easier for you to do it following simple guidelines.
Target and buyer person
The first and essential is what do you want to convey with this event, that is, your goal when the event is held:
- position your brand,
- have more visibility,
- attract new customers,
- advertise products or services (whether new or existing)...
It is important that you have it clear to be able to focus your energies on actions that take you directly to your goal.
Buyer persona
It is also important to define your buyer persona, that is, to know what kind of audience are you going to address and how should you publicize the event to this specific audience. For example, if your target is someone from a large company, the most common is to use networks like Linkedin to publicize your event.
Event type
Another crucial factor is what kind of event are you going to do: number of people who will attend, where the event will be held, what infrastructure you will need to carry it out...
The two main types of event are:
Intern events
Are those events that are aimed at people of our own company, whether workers or shareholders. They are generally used to make internal communications, or to motivate employees.
Extern events
As the name implies, these are aimed at customers of your company, whether current or future. Its main objectives are to raise awareness, reward and retain customers and promote the image of the brand.
You really have to take into account many points although with good planning, everything will be simpler and more effective.
For any event, a detailed planning is essential, so as not to meet unforeseen last minute.
- The date of the event,
- schedule
- and the place are the starting points.
- The next point is to see what will be necessary to cover the event:
- Make a project of your event:
- Get to know the space. Take action, discuss how to make the most of the available meters ...
- Imagine what vision you want to show about your company. You must give an image that is consistent with what it offers to customers.
- Research necessary materials and elements. Find the best solutions to obtain an unbeatable presence before customers...
- Do not forget the services you want to offer your visitors: internet connection, merchandising, flyers, leaflets, catalogs, signage and other components that make your space attract as many customers as possible.
- Request the necessary budgets to carry out your idea. Once you have the budgets in your possession, you should check that you have everything you need, and that the cost is adjusted to the amount you have. Otherwise, you should try to make the changes you consider until you get it, and always leave a fund for possible unforeseen events.
Once you have defined your project, you must prepare the information that you must provide to your superiors in order to approve your work:
- Prepare a detailed proposal of the points that we have commented before, to make the presentation of the project. It will be essential to be precise enough to avoid further problems.
- Organize a work schedule, in order to meet the deadline indicated.
- Explain the objectives that you intend to achieve through this event.
When your project is accepted, you must specify execution dates with your suppliers, to ensure that everything fits the calendar you have organized. And finally, communicate the event, informing your clients and giving the maximum prominence in social networks, web and blog, and make a good email marketing and an adwords campaign to promote what actions your company will take.
We arrived at the execution of the works for the assembly of the event.
Do not forget:
- Meet the timing.
Follow the program you've already communicated and stick to it. This will give customers a sense of seriousness and efficiency.
- Try to be visible to visitors:
- Properly signal your stand: It is very important that all visitors know where you are.
- Get a good internet connection: offers a fast internet connection that allows your audience to make immediate feedback.
- Use the RRSS streaming live and announce all the actions you will take.
Once the event is done, proceed to make a report and see if all the objectives you had set yourself have been met:
- Thank the attendees and request their feedback.
- Make videos and information generated during the event available to the public.
- If you appear in an article, viralize it.
- Create your conclusions and send them to your customers.
- Evaluate the results obtained and detect possible errors to be corrected in the future.
We want these tips to help you manage efficiently and make it easier for you to start a company event.
And only as a reminder, if you have any questions, as a marketing manager, with our challenge #askdigitalmakers we will solve your doubts through a new article in our blog.
Cheer up!