7 marketing strategies you can carry out in times of coronavirus

Oriol Escofet 03 April, 2020 4 minutes of reading
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It is clear that the situation we are living in is changing our entire life, both personal and work and as you know, marketing strategies have also been affected by coronavirus. 

A crisis situation can always lead to fear and uncertainty and it is natural for companies to choose to cut costs, but the coronavirus will pass and everyone's life will be the same as it was a few weeks ago, people will consume again, companies to grind and it will be time to collect everything you have sown these days. It is not a good idea to cripple your business now, you must take advantage of this crisis to get out of it. 

In these times when the face-to-face channels have disappeared and there is only digital world as an alternative, using the internet is the best option to reach your customers, whether to sell your products or services, to generate new leads or to promote. your brand.

From DigitalMakers we give you a series of ideas that you can carry out these days that will surely help you to position your company better in the present and in the future.


1. Work on your digital strategy

The situation is teaching us that companies with a good digital strategy are finding it easier to fight the storm than those who do not. Now may be the time to start thinking about it, to see how the digital world can help you attract new leads and sell online.

Start by getting to know yours buyer persona, yours ideal client profile and create the buyer journey is a good start to work on.


2. Landings of your services

An action that can be very useful is to take advantage of to package the most important services or products of the company and to generate landings to promote them. In this case it is important to add a call to action that will allow your buyer person to leave some contact details such as their email, so that they can be impacted later. 

If you want to know how you can create a good landing page for your business, we leave it to you this article where we tell you.


3. Review your website

It can happen that in the day to day the web is in the background. Networking, e-mails, meetings, calls ... eat up time. Do not forget that the web is always a gateway to your business, you can take advantage of it now to work: search for the most viewed pages, add calls to action, redesign giving a better experience for the company. 'user or to add that product or service that you always have to put in, but you never have time to do it.

A good start to redesigning your website is to start by choosing which one strategy you want to follow and keep in mind analytics.


4. Search engine positioning

Now is a time when there is a significant increase in traffic to the network, so running campaigns to rank better in search engines is a good option. Also, keep in mind that if you opt for SEO, all the tasks you do now will be good for you in the future.

As you know SEO is a career in the background, here are a couple of articles about it rules that must be followed to improve it so web-wide, as of articles. An alternative may be to bet on SEM, from Digitalmakers we have also provided you with a series of keys for you to work on it, you can find them here.


5. Social Networks

During the confinement, people use the internet primarily for communication, contact with friends and family, and also for social networks. ComScore has published that the use of networks has increased by 55% in Spain, so this may be a good time to rethink your presence on the networks, to impact your buyer persona, to find what are the networks more suitable for your business and reach them in a clean and concise way. It is also a good time to take advantage of and draw up a Social Media Plan to apply once this crisis is over.

Social Selling is another strategy that you can consider adopting in your company's networks, here we tell youhttps://blog.digitalmakers.cat/en/social-selling-and-how-to-use-it-on-social-networks-to-sell.


6. Email Marketing

At the moment it is important to keep your buyer informed, so that even if you are still at home, sending campaigns by email is a way to keep you informed that you know that you can continue to count on your services, buying your products.

If you want to introduce yourself or want to deepen your email marketing strategies, we leave this article Here are 5 tips to make your strategy effective. That if, always following the best practices or you can turn against it.


7. Inbound marketing, creating valuable content

We may wonder if it's really worth creating and sharing value content, if it's not a waste of time, we we have always said yes, and we explain that the inbound marketing is a good strategy to generate new leads and position your brand. We strongly believe in it, and now can be a good time to dump all your knowledge in writing, share blog articles, and realize e-books, videos, webinars, etc… your buyer person has more time to read and form and position yourself as a company in your sector you can only bring positive things. 

In short, with this article we have tried to give you ideas of different actions that you can take to improve the digital strategy of your company, taking advantage of the current situation and in passing we left you a large number of links that It will surely take you a few hours to read, but we think it will be really useful.


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Finally we remind you that despite the social distance we are immersed in, we are by your side. We continue to work and will be happy to receive your questions or comments and help you take any of these actions if you see fit. Do not hesitate, take advantage of our #askdigitalmakers campaign and we will respond.

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Oriol Escofet
Graduat en Multimedia i Màster en experiència d'usuari, l'Oriol és un enamorat de tot el que fa referència al mon on-line, desde desenvolupar pàgines web a editar videos, passant per l'analítica i l'estratègia digital, pensant en l'usuari final per ajudar-lo a que aconsegueixi complir els seus objectius amb eficacia i eficiencia.
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